Return Policy
If you change your mind about your piece(s), SilverandGemz will happily offer a gift card to the full amount excluding shipping cost within the first 14 days of receiving your piece. Shipping charges are non-refundable. SilverandGemz cannot be responsible for return merchandise prior to our reception, we therefore recommend that you insure and track all parcels. To start a return, please email our customer care team at Please allow 7 days for your return to be processed once received.
SilverandGemz will not accept any pieces when:
- A piece is not returned in its original condition: has been worn, scratched, damaged or is not in its original packaging.
- If the piece is earrings, due to sanitary reasons we cannot accept returns on earrings
- If the item is returned outside of the timeframe stated above
- No refunds on sale products